
by Siergiej Apps



Kegler - your personal trainer for Kegel exercise.

Kegel exercises has never been so easy!Pelvic floor muscles are responsible for deep perineal pouch work. Therefore strengthening them during pregnancy and after childbirth is so extremely important factor in NTM prevention and treatment.Train regularly, at least once a day.With Kegler application you can train at work, at car, and even during watching movie.Increase work duration progressively to train your muscles. Contact your physiotherapist and determine detailed exercises plan.made on behalf of

Read trusted reviews from application customers


Ace Mughal

Simple. Very useful

A Google user

It doesn't work with headphones.

serg kova

Thanks a lot. A male coworker told me he could hear this when I had earphones plugged in! Are you insane? ?? It's not the earphones, it's the app.

Tomas Kuli

3 days with this program set me back 3 months. Don't waste your time! The best program I have found is the one with the silly name of 'Princess Assistance' but it stopped working and was pulled from GP. Maybe they will bring it back...

Sandra Smith